Strengthen your digital security and become hard to deceive.

In an era where digitalization is becoming increasingly prevalent in our lives, the risk of various types of fraud is unfortunately also increasing. With everything from SMS scams and fake calls to unexpected home visits, scammers have become more inventive in their methods. We at Sweet Systems are proud of our ISO 27001 certification and take information security very seriously. We are passionate about protecting our platforms, customers, and their information. We also want to help spread and share important information on how to avoid being deceived.

Svå A Step Towards Increased Security

To counter the growing problem of financial fraud, Sweden’s banks have launched the initiative Svå This is a national information campaign aimed at highlighting the issue of fraud and offering concrete tips and advice on how you can protect yourself and your loved ones. The website Svå is a goldmine of information where you can learn about the latest fraud methods and how to best act to not become a victim. We actively support initiatives like Svå, important measures that even our customers have been involved in developing.

ISO27001 certificate logo

Sweet Systems and our engagement

At Sweet Systems, we are committed to delivering secure and reliable services, as evidenced by our ISO 27001 certification. We view Svå as an important initiative in increasing our collective security awareness, and we encourage you to visit the site! By integrating and sharing the knowledge from Svå into our own information flows, we contribute to increased awareness and better protection for everyone.

Creating a culture of security

In an increasingly digitalized world, where the boundaries between personal and professional life are becoming blurred, the importance of robust information security is growing. For organizations and companies, this means not just protecting their data from external threats but also building a culture of security awareness among their employees. ISO 27001, a leading global standard for information security management, offers a framework that not only helps to identify and manage security risks but also emphasizes the importance of continuous education and awareness of security.

By integrating the principles of ISO 27001 into daily operations, organizations can create a security-aware culture where employees are equipped with the knowledge and tools to identify and resist fraud, breaches, and social engineering. This goes hand in hand with building a corporate culture where security training is seen as a continuous process, similar to the annual updates and training included in the ISO cycle. Proactively equipping one’s organization against these threats is not just a matter of technical security but also about educating and preparing staff for the increasingly sophisticated methods used by fraudsters.

This approach has proven to be especially valuable in light of recent data leaks and security breaches. By making security training an integrated part of the corporate culture, we can collectively raise the bar for digital security and become more difficult targets for fraudsters.

Tips: How to protect yourself

  • Be Skeptical and Question: Learn to always question unexpected contacts. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
  • Contact Your Bank Directly: At the slightest uncertainty, break the contact and reach out to your bank directly through its official channels.
  • Report to the Police: Reporting attempts at fraud is important to help protect others.
  • Educate Yourself: The more you know about scams, the better equipped you are to avoid them.
  • Use Technical Security: Ensure that your devices and software are up to date and use strong, unique passwords to keep unauthorized individuals out.

When navigating the digital world, it’s crucial to be aware of the lurking risks. A common tactic used is sending fake SMS messages. Here are some tips on how to protect yourself:

Be cautious with unexpected messages

  • Ignore Urges to Call Back: If you receive an SMS that seems stressful and demands immediate action, be skeptical. Scammers often use tactics designed to create panic to hasten your decision-making.
  • Do Not Click on Links: Be especially cautious with SMS from unknown senders containing links, even if the message claims you’ve received an unexpected reward or offer. These links may lead to fake websites aiming to steal personal information.
  • Carefully Review the Message’s Source: Even if the sender appears to be a legitimate entity, like your bank or a government agency, still be vigilant. Scammers can spoof numbers and sender names to appear credible.
  • Pause and Reflect: Try not to be swayed by scenarios scammers may use to create a sense of urgency or relevance. If a message claims to be urgent, take a step back and think the situation through before acting.

Common Scam Attempts to Be Aware Of

Scammers may use various stories to make you act against your better judgment. They may claim they:

  • Are working to stop a fraud against your bank account
  • Offer help with getting a tax refund
  • Inform about a package or letter you can track via a link
  • Promise a refund of money you lost in a previous scam
  • Claim you have won money
  • Tell you a loved one needs your immediate help
  • Warn that your computer is infected with a virus and offer technical support
  • Urge you to download software to protect against a supposed virus attack
  • Ask you to make a Swish transaction to cancel a supposed unauthorized transaction

By keeping these tips in mind and always being on your guard, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to these increasingly sophisticated scams. Remember to always question and double-check information before taking any actions.

Daniel Äng

Do you want to know how we at Sweet Systems work with security?

Contact us:

Daniel Äng
+46 (0)73 380 20 15